Thursday, November 29, 2012

JavaScript function to get random number between a range

Getting random number in JavaScript

Code:  alert(Math.random())
Getting random number is very easy you can use JavaScript function random() of Math object to get the random number between 0 and 1. For example, above JavaScript statement returns a random number between 0 and 1.

JavaScript function to get random number between 1 and N

//function to get random number from 1 to n
function randomToN(maxVal, floatVal) {
    var randVal = Math.random() * maxVal;
    return typeof floatVal == 'undefined' ? Math.round(randVal) : randVal.toFixed(floatVal);

As, you can see in the above JavaScript function, there are two parameters. One for the maximum value(N) up to which random number have to be generated. The second parameter is optional which specifies number of digits after decimal point.If not provided, this function returns integer.

JavaScript function to get random number between a range

    function GenerateRandom(min, max, floatVal) {
        var randVal = min + (Math.random() * (max - min));
        return typeof floatVal == "undifined" ? Math.round(randVal) : randVal.toFixed(floatVal);
The above JavaScript funciton accepts three parameters.The first and second parameter is mandatory while the third is optional. The first and second parameter specifies the range between which the random number has to be generated. The thir parameter is optional which specifies number of floating point digits, if not provided, the above JavaScript function returns integer random number.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Xml data type is not supported in distributed queries. Remote object

I found one issue while coping records from latest version of sql to old version of 
sql where xml datatype is not supported using linked server while fetching records 
i found following error occurred
"Xml data type is not supported in distributed queries. Remote object 
   'Server1.dbMurli.dbo.TB_Murli' has xml column(s).
Root Cause :
- XML column can not be accessed directly from the remote server....
- Following is the table structure in Remote server and Local server
Column1  VARCHAR(10),
[Address] XML
Solution :
So, we can solve this issue as given below...
  [Addres] FROM dbMurli.dbo.TB_Murli')
)AS XUsign the "OPENQUERY" 
we can solve the issue...  
In Short :-  
XML is not supported in distributed queries. You could write a passthrough query with OPENQUERY, and cast the XML column to nvarchar(MAX). For instance:
SELECT cast(xmlcol as xml) FROM OPENQUERY(REMOTESVR, 'SELECT cast(xmlcol AS nvarchar(MAX)) FROM db.dbo.tbl')

Insert Records from one table to another table

Before records insertion from one table to another table we must need to aware of these steps

1. New table need to be create with data.
2. Table is exists but we need to copy all records.
3. Table is exists and we wanted to copy particular records on existing table.

How to copy records for all the above steps.

Note : - Consider we have tblSource with all records Ex:-
Create table tblSource(Id int Primary Key,Name varchar(50), Address varchar(100),Created datetime default getdate())
Insert into tblSource(Id,Name,Address) values (1,'Murli','Mumbai-Sanpada')
Insert into tblSource(Id,Name,Address) values (2,'Deepak','Mumbai-Vasai')
Insert into tblSource(Id,Name,Address) values (3,'Ajit','Mumbai-Thane')

1. New table need to be create with data when target table is not exists.
       Select * Into tblIntoSource from tblSource

2. Target table exists and i wanted to copy all the records from source table.
       Insert tblSourceCopy Select * from tblSource

3. Target table exists and i wanted to copy particular records on it... i have two option to do this.
  A. Using Into Command
       Insert into tblDest(Id,Name) Select Id,Name from tblSource

  B. Using Direct Insert Command
       Insert tblSourceCopy1(Id,Name) Select Id,Name from tblSource