Tuesday, September 13, 2022

GRPC Client and Service Service/API Creation on Asp.net, C#

GRPC service is work when user/developer don't want make customer to ideal when during long data pulling from API/Rest server. on this case ideally on websites we shows a loader or ask for wait to customer. Tippically on webservice/ API/ Rest all client services will not respond untill server side process complete. but on gRPC there is an advantage we can get the data into chunk

On gRPC when data is iterating on server side still we can get the row by row/ chunk of data recevied from gRPC service and that application can shows on front end.

I learned the same on you tube "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcbwRBT8vnI"

Sample Code i have prepared for my testing purpose and uploaded the same on my drive. Click here to download if readmade code you want.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Oracle DB Query tips

1.  Get Table Size and Rows Details

    select * from user_tables where table_name = 'TBL_XXXXXXXX'
