Redis Cache is a key-value cache that stores the information in a hash table format, providing the possibilities to store different types of structured data like strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets, bitmaps and hyperloglogs
1. Install Redis server (redis-server.exe) on your machine
2. Create RedisConnectorHelper class file
public class RedisConnectorHelper
static RedisConnectorHelper()
RedisConnectorHelper.lazyConnection = new Lazy(() =>
return ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect("localhost");
private static Lazy lazyConnection;
public static ConnectionMultiplexer Connection
return lazyConnection.Value;
3. You will noticed here ConnectionMultiplexer is not found in your application, so add using NuGet Package manager, search "StackExchange.Redis"
4. After installation you are ready to work in Redis application
5. Create the connection object of Redis server like this
var cache = RedisConnectorHelper.Connection.GetDatabase();
6. Store your values in this way
cache.StringSet($"Device_Status:{i}", "value");
7. Retrive Redis/Cached values this way
var value = cache.StringGet($"Device_Status:{i}");
8. Some time we need to store DataTable into session/cache object so same we can do in following way.
Store Values in Redis server:
Retrive Values from Redis server:
10. For Details information you can also visit the below link,
1. Install Redis server (redis-server.exe) on your machine
2. Create RedisConnectorHelper class file
public class RedisConnectorHelper
static RedisConnectorHelper()
RedisConnectorHelper.lazyConnection = new Lazy
return ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect("localhost");
private static Lazy
public static ConnectionMultiplexer Connection
return lazyConnection.Value;
3. You will noticed here ConnectionMultiplexer is not found in your application, so add using NuGet Package manager, search "StackExchange.Redis"
4. After installation you are ready to work in Redis application
5. Create the connection object of Redis server like this
var cache = RedisConnectorHelper.Connection.GetDatabase();
6. Store your values in this way
cache.StringSet($"Device_Status:{i}", "value");
7. Retrive Redis/Cached values this way
var value = cache.StringGet($"Device_Status:{i}");
8. Some time we need to store DataTable into session/cache object so same we can do in following way.
Store Values in Redis server:
string TableName = "GetEmpData";
foreach (DataRow dr in GetEmpData().Rows) { cache.StringSet($"Device_Status:"+ TableName + "_" +dr["id"].ToString(), string.Format("{0} : {1} : {2} : {3}", dr["Id"].ToString(), dr["Name"].ToString(), dr["Mobile"].ToString(), dr["Date"].ToString())); }
Retrive Values from Redis server:
foreach (DataRow dr in GetEmpData().Rows) { var value = cache.StringGet($"Device_Status:" + TableName + "_" + dr["id"].ToString()); Console.WriteLine($"New Valueeeeee={value}"); }
9. Sample Code Download Here
10. For Details information you can also visit the below link,
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